Source code for streamad.model.loda_Detector

from collections import deque

import numpy as np
from streamad.base import BaseDetector
from fast_histogram import histogram1d

[docs]class LodaDetector(BaseDetector):
[docs] def __init__(self, random_cuts_num: int = 10, **kwargs): """Multivariate LODA Detector :cite:`DBLP:journals/ml/Pevny16`. Args: window_len (int, optional): The length of window. Defaults to 50. random_cuts_num (int, optional): The number of random experiments. Defaults to 10. """ super().__init__(data_type="multivariate", **kwargs) self.random_cuts_num = random_cuts_num self.bins_num = int( 1 * (self.window_len**1) * (np.log(self.window_len) ** -1) ) self._weights = np.ones(random_cuts_num) / random_cuts_num self.components_num = None self.nonzero_components_num = None self.zero_components_num = None self._projections = None self._histograms = None self._limits = None
def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, timestamp: int = None): self.window.append(X) if self.index == 0: self.components_num = len(X) self.nonzero_components_num = int(np.sqrt(self.components_num)) self.zero_components_num = ( self.components_num - self.nonzero_components_num ) elif len(self.window) == self.window.maxlen: self._projections = np.random.randn( self.random_cuts_num, self.components_num ) self._histograms = np.zeros([self.random_cuts_num, self.bins_num]) self._limits = np.zeros([self.random_cuts_num, self.bins_num + 1]) for i in range(self.random_cuts_num): rands = np.random.permutation(self.components_num)[ : self.zero_components_num ] self._projections[i, rands] = 0.0 projected_data = self._projections[i, :].dot( np.array(self.window).T ) try: self._histograms[i, :] = ( histogram1d( projected_data, range=( projected_data.min(), projected_data.max() + 1e-12, ), bins=self.bins_num, ) + 1e-12 ) except: self._histograms[i, :] = ( histogram1d( projected_data, range=( projected_data.min(), projected_data.max() + 1e-5, ), bins=self.bins_num, ) + 1e-12 ) self._limits[i, :] = np.linspace( projected_data.min(), projected_data.max() + 1e-12, num=self.bins_num + 1, ) self._histograms[i, :] /= np.sum(self._histograms[i, :]) return self def score(self, X: np.ndarray, timestamp: int = None): score = 0 for i in range(self.random_cuts_num): projected_data = self._projections[i, :].dot(np.array(X).T) inds = np.searchsorted( self._limits[i, : self.bins_num - 1], projected_data, side="left", ) score += -self._weights[i] * np.log(self._histograms[i, inds]) score = score / self.random_cuts_num return float(score)
if __name__ == "__main__": import cProfile import resource # from line_profiler import LineProfiler # lp = LineProfiler() model = LodaDetector() # lp.add_function( # lp.add_function(model.score) # lp_wrapper = lp(model.fit_score) import sys for i in range(1500): # lp_wrapper(np.array([i])) model.fit_score(np.array([i * 10])) r = sys.getsizeof(model) # r = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN).ru_maxrss print(r) # lp.print_stats()